When I gaze at the night sky, and look at the celestial bodies, I invariably try to fathom, how was the universe created? Scientists have propounded the Big Bang theory, according to which the universe originated with a massive explosion of energy and matter, from an infinitesimal volume with extremely high density and temperature. Let us first try to define the Universe. As per a dictionary definition, universe is the totality of the known and supposed objects and phenomena throughout space. There are several phenomena in nature and the universe, that we get to observe, by virtue of our five senses of sight, taste, touch, hearing and smell. Universe is much beyond our sensory perceptions. We cannot define the universe in terms of time and finite parameters. Therefor I do not think it ever began with a Big Bang. I guess the scientists might have put forth that theory, as they observed the stars moving with great velocities, which could be a result of an explosion...
A collection of my published articles and poems.