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Showing posts from March 30, 2016

Secret of Success

Success is such a widely discussed subject in the contemporary world that there must be nothing left uncovered about it. Since time immemorial, man has always understood success or failure as a feedback from his environment about his performance and skills. We can determine, how well we have done a piece of work and whether it could be done in a still better way, by gauging our overall success in the task. Attaining success in any piece of work would mean the right amount of time and effort devoted on our part, thus making us eligible to enjoy the fruits of our efforts. Failure on the contrary, would require introspection on our part and starting it all over again. The sooner we get success in life the lesser we have to toil. It is the final desired outcome of our efforts with a preconceived objective in mind. When we succeed in any situation, it gives us a positive reinforcement about our efforts or behavior or actions from our environment. This would lay a foundat...