Success is such a widely discussed subject in the contemporary
world that there must be nothing left uncovered about it. Since time
immemorial, man has always understood success or failure as a feedback
from his environment about his performance and skills.
We can determine, how well we have done a piece of work and whether it could be done in a still better way, by gauging our overall success in the task. Attaining success in any piece of work would mean the right amount of time and effort devoted on our part, thus making us eligible to enjoy the fruits of our efforts. Failure on the contrary, would require introspection on our part and starting it all over again.
The sooner we get success in life the lesser we have to toil. It is the final desired outcome of our efforts with a preconceived objective in mind. When we succeed in any situation, it gives us a positive reinforcement about our efforts or behavior or actions from our environment. This would lay a foundation for our future course of action and mental conditioning.
Failure is a negative reinforcement through the unfavorable outcomes of our efforts, which makes us avoid or change our course of action. So success in any activity, builds our self-esteem and sends positive affirmations to our brain and nervous system about our abilities. Thus, if we have had less of success and more of failures in life, it may make us less confident and more diffident.
Success has grown more in importance than ever before in the recent times. The pressure to perform in our vocations has made it a dire necessity. The most precious commodity today is 'time', which most of us lack and hence failures are much perceived as expensive. Thus a need is felt to be precise and accurate in our actions to avoid failures and save time. Due to time constraints, deadlines are set to complete a piece of work on time. Success today is more about delivering goods on time than of quality. There is no compromising on time at any cost. It would not matter if we may have to take support of machines and technology to deliver the goods on time.
Anyhow, to be successful in any sphere of life, I have personally felt that one needs to have strong visualization, conception and conviction about one's goals and objectives. There has to be a strong driving force, motivation and/or passion to accomplish the task. Also mere success should not be the objective of one's life.
As per many great authors and wise men, we can only control our actions and not their outcomes. So if we are worried or obsessed about whether we shall be successful or not we would never be able to focus on our actions. Success actually depends on how well we can execute our actions rather speculating or worrying about the results.
So not only do we need to focus on our actions, but also take charge of them. The more disciplined we are, the greater the control we have over ourselves, thus making us more resourceful and productive. Most of the successful people in the world have a disciplined approach towards life. They have a great deal of self-control and also know how to strike a balance in life. They have enslaved their senses rather than becoming a slave of them.
A lot also depends on how well you can motivate yourself. It depends on how well your mind is receptive to your inner voice. Not only this, but one needs to be realistic about things in order to be successful. You just can't build castles in the air and dream about being successful. There has to be a tangible and viable plan on paper to bring your dreams into reality.
So we may conclude in the current times, it is highly important to be successful to save time and meet competition. Positive thinking and balanced-approach can increase you chances of success in life.
We can determine, how well we have done a piece of work and whether it could be done in a still better way, by gauging our overall success in the task. Attaining success in any piece of work would mean the right amount of time and effort devoted on our part, thus making us eligible to enjoy the fruits of our efforts. Failure on the contrary, would require introspection on our part and starting it all over again.
The sooner we get success in life the lesser we have to toil. It is the final desired outcome of our efforts with a preconceived objective in mind. When we succeed in any situation, it gives us a positive reinforcement about our efforts or behavior or actions from our environment. This would lay a foundation for our future course of action and mental conditioning.
Failure is a negative reinforcement through the unfavorable outcomes of our efforts, which makes us avoid or change our course of action. So success in any activity, builds our self-esteem and sends positive affirmations to our brain and nervous system about our abilities. Thus, if we have had less of success and more of failures in life, it may make us less confident and more diffident.
Success has grown more in importance than ever before in the recent times. The pressure to perform in our vocations has made it a dire necessity. The most precious commodity today is 'time', which most of us lack and hence failures are much perceived as expensive. Thus a need is felt to be precise and accurate in our actions to avoid failures and save time. Due to time constraints, deadlines are set to complete a piece of work on time. Success today is more about delivering goods on time than of quality. There is no compromising on time at any cost. It would not matter if we may have to take support of machines and technology to deliver the goods on time.
Anyhow, to be successful in any sphere of life, I have personally felt that one needs to have strong visualization, conception and conviction about one's goals and objectives. There has to be a strong driving force, motivation and/or passion to accomplish the task. Also mere success should not be the objective of one's life.
As per many great authors and wise men, we can only control our actions and not their outcomes. So if we are worried or obsessed about whether we shall be successful or not we would never be able to focus on our actions. Success actually depends on how well we can execute our actions rather speculating or worrying about the results.
So not only do we need to focus on our actions, but also take charge of them. The more disciplined we are, the greater the control we have over ourselves, thus making us more resourceful and productive. Most of the successful people in the world have a disciplined approach towards life. They have a great deal of self-control and also know how to strike a balance in life. They have enslaved their senses rather than becoming a slave of them.
A lot also depends on how well you can motivate yourself. It depends on how well your mind is receptive to your inner voice. Not only this, but one needs to be realistic about things in order to be successful. You just can't build castles in the air and dream about being successful. There has to be a tangible and viable plan on paper to bring your dreams into reality.
So we may conclude in the current times, it is highly important to be successful to save time and meet competition. Positive thinking and balanced-approach can increase you chances of success in life.